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Topic Reading-Vol.19-4/30/2012

Dear MEL School's Topic Readers,
Which do you prefer, organic or conventional, for your coffee, lettuce, milk, strawberries and eggs?
You probably are aware that organic produce is more expensive but is thought to be healthier and more environmentally friendly. However, when it comes to production efficiency, which seems to be another important aspect to look at to cope with the increasing population on the planet, there seems to be some advantage for conventional produce.
You can also learn quite a few practical technical words and expressions in this article.
Enjoy reading and learning from organic versus conventional comparison! TK


Topic Reading-Vol.18-4/29/2012

Dear MEL School's Topic Readers,
The title of the article says; Palace: Kate has graduated as 'fully fledged' royal.
You can assume Kate is the wife of Prince William, the crown prince of the British Monarch, who has been  Duchess of Cambridge and is now regarded officially a member of the royal family after a year of transition period. Interestingly, a word "objectives" is used in the article number of times, which suggests their objective-oriented business mind. Another word you may be interested to learn is "fully-fledged". Now, enjoy reading and learning from British Royal Family! TK


Topic Reading-Vol.17-4/28/2012

Dear MEL School's Topic Readers,
When it comes to religions, we Japanese aren't knowledgeable or sensible enough to deal with the world properly. Here is an incident that alert how sensitive a religion or religious people and society could be. Egypt's Most Popular Comedian Guilty of Insulting Islam for the movies he played roles in the last century!
Enjoy reading and learning it! TK.


Topic Reading-Vol.16-4/27/2012

Dear MEL School's Topic Readers,
For the last several decades, the world population has been increasing at a much faster than pace than ever before in human history to seven billion, and is growing even further to nine by the middle of the century. Here is interesting photos showing how the landscapes of those fastest-growing cities have changed for the last few decades.
Please make sure to click on each image and scroll between past and present to see how our urban sprawl has transformed our landscape.  This will show you those changes very clearly.
Enjoy reading/seeing this time and learning from the photos and brief articles! TK


Topic Reading-Vol.15-4/26/2012

Dear MEL School's Topic Readers,
1 in 2 new graduates are jobless or underemployed! How shocking it sounds!
This is a survey result of the US job market for college graduates but how different it is from the ones of China, Spain, France, Korea or possibly future Japan?
It's a bit lengthy article, so please read as much as you're interested.
Enjoy reading and learning from it! TK


Topic Reading-Vol.14-4/25/2012

Dear MEL School's Topic Readers,
How much an adorable six-year-old boy can do for his dad? Here is an article and a short video that shows a small act by a little kid could become a moving cause having been spreading from a small neighborhood to neighboring community, and even to the society through social network. Also impressing is how a little kid like Drew can speak up so determinedly in front of the TV camera.
Enjoy reading and learning from this heart-warming article. TK


Topic Reading-Vol.13-4/24/2012

Dear MEL School's Topic Readers,
Electric Vehicle is thought to be one of the most advanced categories of transportation. But you might be suprised to learn that over 120 million so-called e-bikes are running on China's streets, of that 25 million were sold last year alone. Now, they want to develop e-cars and hybrid vehicles market through government subsides. What would be your choice if those energy-saving vehicles were sold at a half the price of Japanese brands? Enjoy reading and learning from it. TK


Topic Reading-Vol.12-4/23/2012

Dear MEL School's Topic Readers,
Without knowing how much interest you have in space missions, here is an article that tells you how eager those space scientists are to find any life forms in space, knowing that they won't see or discover any in their times. This article's broad idea may give you some relief from your busy daily life.
Enjoy reading and learning from it! TK


Topic Reading-Vol.11-4/22/2012

Dear MEL School's Topic Readers,
Why it's OK to leave at five o'clock? Here is an interesting interview with one of the most successful and hopful business women in the worl, COO of Facebook, Sheryl Sandberg, who also is one of the busiest and pressurred business persons as it's IPO is nearing. Enjoy reading and learning from it! TK


Topic Reading-Vol.10-4/21/2012

Dear MEL School's Topic Readers,Only a few weeks before we'll celebrate the debut of our proud Tokyo Skytree, there is an article to introduce it to the world. Now, let us be educated about the landmark before others of the world come to know about it! Enjoy reading and learning from it! TK


Topic Reading-Vol.9-4/20/2012

Dear MEL School's Topic Readers,
Yesterday, you might have read a BBC version of Ishihara comment on the disputed islands. Today, you'll find a China Daily version of his comment. Adding Japanese version of it, you'll have read three different perspectives on one issue, two of which have totally distinct views of course.
This is one of the ways to broaden your veiws. Enjoy reading and learning from both articles. TK


Topic Reading-Vol.8-4/19/2012

Dear MEL School's Topic Readers,
You might have seen or read about what Tokyo's governor, Mr. Ishihara, mentioned  during his speech in Washington D.C. on Monday (Tuesday in Japan). He is noted as "outspoken", which you may want to look up in your dictionary. It's always educational to read or view the same thing in different news source and language and from aspects.
Enjoy reading and learning from it! TK


Topic Reading-Vol.7-4/18/2012

Dear MEL School's Topic Readers,
World Bank picks Korean-American Kim as president. Now the world has gotten two Korean-born leaders in its top positions, one for the United Nations and the other for World Bank, who were both educatd in the U.S. What do you think about that? Enjoy reading and learning from it! TK


Topic Reading-Vol.6-4/17/2012

Dear MEL School's Topic Readers,
Have you ever checked or surfed  a Chinese website? There is one that posts news about China in English. A bit long one I'm afraid, so don't force yourself to finish reading it but at least taste it.
Enjoy and learn from this article! TK

Topic Reading-Vol.5-4/16/2012

Dear MEL School's Topic Readers,
How many of you have seen the movie? On April 15, 2012,  centenary events of the tragedy were held some places. There is a 3D version of the famous movie to commemorate the tragedy, too. But first, read and learn from the below article. TK


Topic Reading-Vol.4-4/15/2012

Dear MEL School's Topic Readers,
Is a gold medal, even if it's the third one, at the Olympics just the icing on the cake?
Enjoy reading and learning from the below article. TK


Topic Reading-Vol.3-4/14/2012

Dear MEL School's Topic Readers,
You might have been scared to hear that North Korea had launched a missle (or rocket) yesterday. You many now be interested in learning how the issue is raised at the UN level in English.
Enjoy reading and learning from it! TK


Topic Reading-Vol.2-4/13/2012

Dear MEL School's Topic Readers,
Sony, one of the most prominent Audio/Video, PC, Game and Music companies in the late 1990's and early 2000's, has been struggling to transform it businesses to meet the change in the market places and players. Who could have predicted that the global giant would suffer from such challenges?
You might be interested in learning some financial terms such as net profit/loss or fiscal year.
"net" in this case in Japanese is "純", and "fiscal year" is "会計/事業年度".
Enjoy reading and learning from it! TK


Topic Reading - Vol.1-4/12/2012

There were two magnitude-8 earthquakes off the coast of Indonesia yesterday.
You might be interested in learning how Tsunami scare tests new life-saving procedures with the below article. Enjoy reading and learning from it! TK