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Topic Reading-Vol.103-7/23/2012

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers, Norway remembers Utoeya and Oslo victims, one year on.
A year has just passed since the historic tragedy struck the capital city and a small island of the Scandinavian country, where only five million people live peacefully surrounded by beautiful nature. The number of the victims was far greater the one just occurred in Aurora, Colorado, nearly as large as five time, including 34 teenagers who were in the summer camp.
The trial for this massacre is to judge whether the accused is sane or insane, which means the killer will be sent to whether a prison or a psychiatric ward for a long time, presumably for the rest of his life. Will that be all or enough?  
This time again, just read the article, see the video to remember the tragedy, and mourn for all those who lost their lives in the city and on the island, and send the best wishes to their families and loved ones as well as those who were wounded or were horrified at the site.

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