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Topic Reading-Vol.109-7/29/2012

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
The End of Print for Newsweek Is on Barry Diller's Horizon.
It seems that in the media world, any publication, such as newspaper or magazines like Newsweek could be traded just like a commodity good. And the buyer of such media of course tries to get return out of the investment. For such cases, whether to publish the media online, hard-print or both is just a matter of financial decision by costs and revenue which is generated by ad and circulation whether subscription or newsstand, even for Newsweek.
You’ll see much more digital only publications as smart phones and tablet PCs or readers such as iPad become more popular and affordable. Soon, you may find such devices offered at $1 or free as publishers or retailers find enough revenue stream by the sale of digital media and other products.
Enjoy reading and learning about the media format.

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