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Topic Reading-Vol.257-12/24/2012

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Gun lobbyists plan media push after Newtown massacre.
The National Rifle Association, or N.R.A., one of the most powerful and influential non-profit organizations to politicians and lawmakers in America, has been quiet for since the mass shooting incident in Newtown, Connecticut but is now ready to break its silence.
America has been continuously and often divided for major issues which hadn’t been openly or legally practiced in other developed countries such as slavery, racial discrimination, gay marriages and gun control. It’s very difficult for foreigners to understand why people can buy, own and even shoot guns at people for the sake of self-defense in the modernized nation. It’s also stunning to know that over 11,000 people were killed by guns in 2011.
Enjoy reading and learning one aspect of American society and political culture. 

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