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Topic Reading-Vol.526-9/19/2013

Topic Reading-Vol.529-9/19/2013
Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
New Vincent Van Gogh painting identified.
The director of Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam was so excited and delighted to introduce a new artwork that has recently been authenticated as the famous painter’s work, which the museum once had declined to do so. And the previous owner of the artwork put it in his attic and never showed it anyone for over a half century once he had been said it wasn’t Gogh’s work.
An authenticated work, drawing, painting, music, or book, by a popular artist is valued and appreciated so highly. Authentication seems to make such a day-and-night difference to the same artwork. It raises a question; what are people appreciating, the value and quality of the artwork or the name and fame of the artist?
Enjoy reading and learning about once-in-a-lifetime excitement of authentication by the renowned museum.

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