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Topic Reading-Vol.571-11/3/2013

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Sleep 'cleans' the brain of toxins.
How long do you usually sleep a night? Answering this question is easy.
How long do you need to sleep to be in good shape? Not difficult to answer this either.
But a question to why people or animals need to sleep hasn’t been answered clearly yet.
Recently, a team of neurosciences in the U.S. has found one of the fundamental reasons for sleep. That is to remove waste from the brain.
While you’re awake, you’re quite busy thinking and acting to whatever the tasks might be. This is like hosting a party at home. You will need to clean up your house sometime or other but you can’t do it while hosting your guests. So, you do when the guests are gone. Sounds reasonable, doesn’t it?
Enjoy reading and learning about the latest discovery of humans’ and animals’ physical mechanism that affects the mental order.

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