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Topic Reading-Vol.687-2/27/2014

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Belgium's parliament votes through child euthanasia.
How young one can make a big decision, like to live or to die?
Euthanasia itself is a highly controversial issue. Only a handful of countries or states have legalized the practice.
In February 2014, Belgian parliament passed a bill to lift the age limit for euthanasia, allowing even an elementary child’s request for dying can be granted with his or her parent’s and doctor’s consent. The country is dominated by Catholics who usually aren’t so progressive in humane acts like abortion or euthanasia.
What made them legalize such a controversial practice? Will this law ease the mental pain of the parents whose child is in great physical pain that cannot be cured or eased?
Enjoy reading and thinking which to vote, aye or nay if you were an MP, member of parliament. 

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