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Topic Reading-Vol.756-5/7/2014

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
No longer just a factory, China is a mobile leader.
Where in the world do you think attracts, incubate and motivate IT talents and businesses the most? Most of you would probably think Silicon Valley.
Which market do you think has the toughest competition and keenest users for apps? Many of you might think Japan.
Then, which government do you think is the most supportive and active in promoting IT industry and its start-ups? Some of you might think Ireland or Finland.
Lastly, which country do you think have the richest source of most globally minded and highly educated IT engineers and developers? India?
As a matter of fact, it’s quite surprising to know that China seems to top the above lists. With over 700 million active smartphone users and more than seven million college graduates each year, they have the market and talents. Furthermore, the government that sensors their citizens the most in the world also support and stimulate IT innovation, incubation, and investment, especially in Beijing.
Enjoy reading and learning about the advancing entrepreneurship without fearing being copied or followed by others.

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