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Topic Reading-Vol.791-6/11/2014

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
China to scrap millions of cars to improve air quality
Aging cars are one of the major causes of air pollution problem in China as they emit more environmentally harmful gasses to drive the same distance and time than newer ones. So why not replacing them with fuel-efficient, cleaner and greener modern vehicles?
That sounds like a very simple solution but also a very economically costly idea to implement, not to mention the environmental cost to scrap the old ones.
But with its recently put highest priority to tackle the air pollution problems, Chinese government is going to replace millions of such pollution creating old cars with new environmentally friendly ones. And they seem not only to demonstrate strong political initiatives but also to offer economic incentives to those who own such automobiles.
Enjoy reading and learning about China’s quick and radical solution and action to solve a problem.

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