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Topic Reading-Vol.981-12/18/2014

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Pakistan's 9/11, Taliban attack Pakistani school
They seem to have been over allocating their troops and resources against an external enemy, India. Now it is clear that their main enemy is within their own territory and own people, Taliban, which have killed thousands of the soldiers, police and civilians over the past decade. Ironically, Pakistani military in the past supported them in the hope of establishing a regime in Afghanistan which would be favorable to them.
After several attempts had been made to establish a peace deal which never lasted long, Pakistani military initiated a campaign June 2014 to demolish this monster they had created and supported. Now the monster struck back and killed over a hundred school children.
What will be the next move? How will their allies and international community help their fight against one of the most dangerous and notorious extremists on the planet?
Enjoy reading and learning how Pakistan has been dealing with Taliban on their soil.

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