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Topic Reading-Vol.1079-3/26/2015

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Lee Kuan Yew: Singapore's founding father divided opinion
Which wins, procedure or result, or more specifically, which is more essential to build or rebuild, or to establish or restore orders in a country?
A little over a half century ago, Singapore was nothing but a former colony of the Great Britain. It became a completely independent country just 50 years ago in 1965 under the leadership of one of the most prominent politicians in Asian history, Lee Kuan Yew. The Cambridge-educated young leader had led the city country to an economic powerhouse in Asia. Its GDP or income per capita is much higher, streets are spotlessly cleaner and crime rates are undoubtedly lower than any other Asian nation. However, some criticize the state has strict censorship on media and its judiciary system isn’t transparent. Yes. In fact, the country has ruled by a single party over a half century, just like China.
Enjoy reading and learning the legacy of the founding father of Singapore.

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