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Topic Reading-Vol.1133-5/19/2015

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Twins have different fathers, judge finds in paternity case
A DNA test seems to have proved a fact that was not originally sought. A mother of twins wanted their father to pay child support. A DNA test was conducted to identify the father which did but only to one of the twins, meaning the father of the other of the twins is a different man.
It is rare but still possible. It could occur when there are two unfertilized eggs within a menses period, and each of them is fertilized by a sperm of a different man. In some cases, parents or either parent don’t or doesn’t realize that their twins are from different fathers. But when twins look obviously different in physical characteristics such as skin colors or facial lines, their father’s identity is questioned.
In this case, the man who was ruled to pay $28 a week by the court, certainly the father of one of the children. Does the man feel partly relieved or obligated? Whichever he feels, he’s now completely responsible for one of them. Another question is, is $28 a week enough to grow a child?
Enjoy reading and learning about this identity crisis.

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