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Topic Reading-Vol.1184-7/9/2015

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
How two mice conquered the island.
How quickly do mice increase their population?
Female mice are known to become sexually mature only in six to eight weeks after birth. A sexually-matured female mouse produces an average of six offspring at a time, and she can deliver the next litter only in three to four weeks. In other words, once a female mouse reaches eight weeks old, she can produce six baby mice every four weeks for 16 months. And they mate with any other male mouse, even with their own sons or grand-sons. In short, a new-born female can deliver as many as nearly 100 mice before she dies.
If there are no predators in their habitat, that’s how many and how quickly they can grow. And this remarkable breeding power was observed by the scientists in New Zealand.
Enjoy reading and learning how amazing mice’s breeding and surviving power is.

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