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Topic Reading-Vol.1257-9/20/2015

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Japanese lawmakers OK greater overseas role for military
Japan's parliament passed a law to allow the military to fight overseas for the first time since the end of World War Two 70 years ago. Many Japanese are attached to the pacifist provisions in the constitution which forbid fighting overseas to resolve international conflicts except in cases of self-defense. Though the changes re-interpret rather than formally change the constitution, critics argue that this will violate the pacifist constitution and could lead Japan into unnecessary US-led wars abroad.
The new legislation would allow Japan's military to mobilize overseas when Japan is attacked, or when a close ally is attacked, and the result threatens Japan's survival and poses a clear danger to people, and there is no other appropriate means available to ensure Japan's survival and protect its people.
Enjoy reading and learning what this re-interpretation of the pacifist constitution could mean to Japan and its neighbors.

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