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Topic Reading-Vol.1302-11/4/2015

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
The private lives of 'Star Wars' Stormtroopers
Do they have names or identities? What gender or how old are they? What do they eat? Stormtroopers all look the same. Little attention has been paid to the corps of Star Wars despite their frequent appearances throughout the movie series.
A Spanish photographer created images of their everyday life scenes shortly before the release of the long-awaited new episode, “The Force Awakens.” All of the troopers wear the usual white armor but don’t carry or fire the light-gun. Instead, they eat cereal, pee, take a Jacuzzi, and do laundries. They look like human soldiers or ordinary civilians.
By the way, they aren’t good at shooting their light-rifles in the movie, are they?
Enjoy seeing the photos of their off-duty lives.

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