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Topic Reading-Vol.1327-11/29/2015

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
How to never forget a name again
Are you good at remembering names? Which do you more clearly remember, the name or the profile of the person you’ve first met?
According to a phycologist, it’s more like a matter of how memories are stored in the brain, not because how forgetful a person is. The memories aren’t stored by the type or label such as the name, place or thing but by connection. That’s why you tend to remember more about what the person did in a certain occasion or how the person did something more than his or her name.
That seems to explain why people often remember vividly the story of a book or a character in a movie but have difficulty coming up with the title of the book or the name of the actor.
But how do elephants remember things so long? Are they so good associating one thing to another?
Enjoy reading and learning this interesting mechanism of human brain.

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