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Topic Reading-Vol.1364-1/5/2016

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
China releases guideline on military reform
It has been like that but it will clearly be more. Unlike most other countries, China’s armed forces, People’s Liberation Army, or PLA, is under the Communist Party of China, not the state or the government. And the top leader of the armed forces is the chairman of the Central Military Committee of the party, not the president of the country.
That is what China has clarified the positioning of the world largest military in the number of personnel, over two million.
They are going to cut the size, modernize their equipment, reorganize the management, strengthen the outer and cyber space forces and integrate armed police and militia under one chain of command, including two more aircraft carriers and space operation unit.
Enjoy reading and comparing the armed forces under the command of a party like modern China, dictator like Nazi Germany and elected leader/government like most of the democratic countries.

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