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Topic Reading-Vol.1425-3/6/2016

 Dear MEL Topic Readers,
What the march of the machines means for your job
It’s no longer science fiction, Artificial Intelligence, or A.I. It is happening and growing. Computers now learn from data and information by themselves. They can also learn from the experiences and results of their actions and outputs, and fast. They don’t need to be revised the programs but they modify and improve the algorithms themselves. Sounds impressive but also scary if robots think and act autonomously. Imagine they do your jobs more efficiently and economically, where would you go?
There seem to be jobs to be replaced by such intelligent machines, just like collateral or administrative jobs that have already been disappeared from most work places.
So what do you need to do to be competitive or valuable in the future work environment?
Enjoy reading and learning what you may want to or want your children to try doing to stay valuable in the world full of AI.

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