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Topic Reading-Vol.1525-6/14/2016

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Rodrigo Duterte: Shoot a drug dealer, get a medal
There usually are dedicated functions for laws in most countries such as making, administrating, enforcing, and practicing. And court is the place where final judgement is made if the accused is guilty or not, or the claim is justified, and of course, the punishment, all according to the law.
But if the government or the leader goes beyond the laws of the state, what will the consequence be like? Imagine a situation where an elected leader of the country tells people what to do without legal process or judgement. This means the leader is the law maker and stands beyond the country’s judicial system.
This is what seems to be happening, or at least announced by the newly elected president of the Philippines. People will agree with what he is attempting to do but not necessarily with how to achieve it. There could be a war between drug dealers, which might be what the new leader is intending, not as a whole but as a part.
Enjoy reading and imagining what is going to happen to the country.

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