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Topic Reading-Vol.1589-8/17/2016

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Dutch men confirmed as world's tallest
The taller the better? May be, up to some extent.
Over the last century, people in most areas have increased their height, which is a proof of better environment, such as nutrition, healthcare, sanitation and medication. Even North Koreans have had some gain in height while people in sub-Saharan Africa or south Asia haven’t shown such gains.
Interestingly, most of the tallest people are Europeans led by Netherlands for men and Latvia for women. Americans used to be taller than others a century ago but now they aren’t so much taller. Is that because they had immigrants from Mexico and Asian countries or are consuming too much junk food and drinks instead of natural produce or milk?
Enjoy reading and learning who are taller than the others in the world.

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