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Topic Reading-Vol.1668-11/4/2016

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
US election: Why does the US have such low voter turnout?
55%. This was the turnout in the last presidential election in the U.S. despite the heated campaigns and debates along with more-than-enough media coverage, only about half of the eligible voters cast their votes for the last few decades to choose President. Even when the first African-American was elected in 2008, the turnout was 57%. These figures look much lower than the ones of other democratic states like Australia, Israel, or France. Why so?
First, it’s not mandatory like Australia or Turkey. Second, people must register to vote. Third, elections are held on Tuesday when most people work on.
No wonder why US planted democracy doesn’t seem to work in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Enjoy reading and guessing high low the turnout will be on next Tuesday.

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