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Topic Reading-Vol.1704-12/10/2016

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Lord of the dance: The Sufi mystic who has got the world whirling
Any idea who is the most popular poet in America? Despite the long diplomatic woe and hostility since 1980, Americans seem to admire this Persian poet, Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi. He’s a 13th-century Persian Sunni Muslim poet, jurist and Islamic scholar whose verses and poems influenced people beyond borders and ethnic division. His poems express the deepest longings of the human heart for its beloved, which never change in time or by place.
Every year, a festival is held to admire and appreciate Rumi in a town in southern Turkey. The main event of the festival is the whirling dance performed by the members of Sufi religious order.
Enjoy seeing this distinctive dance and reading some of his renowned poems.

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