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Topic Reading-Vol.1744-1/19/2017

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
How Japan has almost eradicated gun crime
Once you have one, you tend to use it. This dogma seems to apply to firearms for civilians. There are very few firearms owned by civilians in Japan. Only shotguns and air rifles are allowed for hunting, not for self-defense or other recreational purposes.
And if you still want to own one, you need to obtain a license which requires a dedicated class, a paper exam and shooting test, mental health and drug tests and thorough background check including your relatives, friends and colleges. And there are other detailed regulations as to where to store the firearm and how to buy ammunitions.
Unlike the U.S., it seems that owning a gun in Japan is almost impractical. And it is. As a result of strict regulations and gun control measures, there are only six guns per 1,000 people owned by civilians in Japan and the number of gun death is below 10 a year.
Is it just gun control law that keeps the gun crimes so low?
Enjoy reading and learning what makes Japan the safest country in terms of gun crime. 

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