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Topic Reading-Vol.1788-3/4/2017

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
The surprising foods you should eat to banish garlic breath
Garlic. Adds fantastic flavor to dishes like pasta, salad dressing and pickles but also causes disgusting odor to the eater’s breath, body and sweat. Since the substance goes you’re your bloodstream, rigorous tooth brushing doesn’t help at all to remove the odor from your breath. It is also nutritious because it contains a lot of Calcium and some vitamins. Are there any ways to remove or smooth the odor of this tasteful and nutritious food?  
In fact, there are some foods that do when they are eaten with garlic, such as lettuce, celery, potato, parsley, mint leaves, and mushroom. Simple! They are all popular ingredients for Italian dishes. But what if no such odor-killing ingredients is in the dish?
Good news. There is an easy and simple countermeasure for you. Guess what?
Enjoy reading and learning what garlic does to you and your smell.

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