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Topic Reading-Vol.1794-3/10/2017

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
School brings hope to child slaves in India
Child slavery. It doesn’t sound like a modern practice but it still is seen in rural parts of India, and other poor regions in Asia and Africa, even today. Poor, and mostly illiterate parents are convinced to borrow unrepayable amount of money, not knowing what is written on the contract or how much interest is going to be charged. Soon later, those poor parents are left no choice but to pay back the loan through their labor, including their children’s, under unimaginably harsh conditions. Such labors are known as debt slavery or bonded labor.
Though it is an illegal practice, law enforcement in the populous subcontinent isn’t an easy task. There are quite a number of children who have never attended school or even watched TV. Education seems to be one of the effective long-term solutions for people in poverty.
Read the article and watch the videos to learn how basic education could prevent poor parents from building unpayable debts and protect their children from illegal practices.

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