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Topic Reading-Vol.1818-4/3/2017

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
SpaceX makes history: It launched a used rocket and then landed it in the ocean
Reuse a rocket? That’s what this ambitious space company, SpaceX, has been working on to reduce the cost to launch rockets drastically. By reusing one of the most expensive parts of a rocket multiple times, the company is aiming to be a LCL, low cost launcher in space like LCC for low cost carrier in the air. Imagine replacing the fuselage or engines of a passenger airliner every flight, the ticket cost would skyrocket. But that has been the norm in rocket launching business, disposing the rocket every time. So why not retrieving that precious part of the rocket and use it again and again. It’s so simple that you don’t need rocket science to figure out this economical advantage.
Enjoy watching the video and learning these a-little-unfamiliar words, used rocket. dronship, relaunch and refly,

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