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Topic Reading-Vol.1974-9/6/2017

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
The Inauguration Day letter Obama left for Trump
It is customary for an inaugurated president to receive a private letter from the outgoing predecessor in the U.S. But such letters usually haven’t been disclosed to the public until sometime after another president was inaugurated.
Now, a memo from the former president to the new president was revealed only less than nine months from the day it was handed. There are four main pieces of advice in the letter and each piece of advice is filled with carefully and thoughtfully chosen words, and some of them turned out to be foresightful.
Aren’t you interested in reading what the most powerful leader, or one of the two leaders now, in the world wanted to say to his successor?
Enjoy reading the memo and think if any of the advice in the letter has ever been respected by the receiver of the letter.

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