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Topic Reading-Vol.2018-10/20/2017

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
The health benefits of coffee
If you don’t drink or no one you care for drinks coffee, never mind. But if you do, you may be interested in learning what coffee does to you.
Coffee, in general, seems to have various health benefits to humans, provided that the stomach is in good shape. For example, it is highly antioxidant. This could prevent human cells from being oxidized by toxins, chemicals, and inflammation. Also, it is rich in caffeine. It could make the drinker feel less tired and the brain become more energized.
But nothing should be consumed too much, and coffee is no exception. You may want to drink two or three cups of either instant or filter coffee a day just to enjoy the benefits of it.
How credible are these recommendations? It seems that any of such benefits requires more research to prove the validity.
Enjoy reading and thinking how you would enjoy the taste, flavor, and benefits of coffee.

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