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Topic Reading-Vol.2021-10/23/2017

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Google DeepMind: AI becomes more alien
Is it an evolutionary improvement or revolutionary change? Last year and this past May, AI Go machine, AlphaGo, beat two top go champions by learning how humans had played the complex game, which was developed several thousand years ago in China. This itself could mean an AI algorithm, and deep learning combined, surpassed human ingenuity of thousand years in just a few years.
Now, Google’s AI hand, Deep Mind, says their new model, called AlphaGo Zero, beat the original AlphaGo by 100 games to zero only in 72 hours of study. The new model had had no knowledge as to how the game had been played by humans but the rules. It played itself without any knowledge or experience and developed techniques that humans had ever thought of.
It seems that AlphaGo Zero is more like a self-thinking AI rather than a learn-to-judge style AlphaGo or other “conventional” AI applications, which have been used to take humans’ roles. It sounds like the difference between practice and theory, or application and science. The question is how the new revolutionary AI is going to be used, especially under already-too-influential Google’s hand.
Enjoy reading and thinking how you will work with AI in the coming few years.
 (because it’s getting too difficult to predict what the world will be like beyond a few years)

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